Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008 / 5:35 PM (EST) / Creating A Buzz for Your Blog

For marketers and IMC practitioners, creating a buzz (excited talk about a brand) essentially evolves from a well-orchestrated word-of-mouth strategy. Word-of-mouth campaigns carry tremendous credibility due to the early adopters or “Influentials” who for the most part are considered as opinion leaders who influence others around them. In fact, Word-of-mouth is still the most influential way to grow consumer interest and gain confidence in your brand and if the topic is hot, it can spread around the world in hours (

Consider what General Motors Lois Kelly “GMnext” video has to say about the next generation of Word of Mouth Marketing:

Other buzz-building techniques include Crowd sourcing and Viral Marketing strategies using existing communication networks like Email and YouTube™. As I continue to build my own blog, I have continuously looked for areas I can improve the content and functionality for my readers. For those keeping track, I recently made significant changes to my blog by including a “Roll Call” list of fellow colleagues blog sites plus, I’m giving BlogRush a try (Note the small box on the left with the emblem “BlogRush”). BlogRush is a "Cooperative Syndication Network" that rewards its users for their contributions to the network -- from the impressions they provide of the BlogRush Widget to the referral of other users through 10 'generations' of activity and the impressions of the widget that they provide. BlogRush was designed to be incredibly viral and to provide its users with tremendous distribution leverage to receive exposure for their blog content (onto related content blogs) that they could never achieve on their own; at least without a massive advertising budget (

For now, I’m awaiting on a decision from BlogRush to see if my blog meets their quality guidelines and criteria. In fact, I have been informed that I will receive a decision via email within 48 hours. If I’m approved, you will begin to see the BlogRush widget successfully loaded on this blog – Wish me luck! If additional work is required to meet BlogRush criteria, I will keep my readers informed as to what improvements are necessary to achieve certification or approval. Again, thanks for joining me and as always, I welcome your feedback.

~ Dan


April said...

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the tip about Blog Rush, I'll check it out!

I noticed you didn't hyperlink the address for Blog Rush, you just typed it out. How come?

:-) April

Dan Abston said...

Hi April,
I'm still very new to this "blogging" idea. In fact, it took me several tries to learn how to import videos and pics to my blog. You are right, I should have created a hyperlink to BlogRush. I haven't explored this area yet - any suggestions or instructions to make the process simple? By the way, thanks for responding! My intent for this blog is create an open forum for people like myself who are just breaking the surface of new media opportunities to talk freely about their experiences, successes and frustrations. Together, we can learn new and exciting techniques to enhance the IMC process. Again, thanks for the reply!


PS - I still have not received any feedback or approval from BlogRush. Once you complete the application process, it may take up to 48 hours to get a response - Good luck and keep me posted.

Heidi M said...

Dan--did BlogRush say WHY there is a 48 hour approval period? It makes you wonder how many people are employed to manage this process.

For inserting links, select the phrase you want to be hyperlinked and click the chain-link world. Paste the URL into the box and click OK. Make sure you don't have two sets of http:// and you're set.